Minute book, manuscript, Limerick Trades Council 1918-20, written in notebook containing blue lined pages, with blue boards and red cloth spine. Written for the most part in black ink, with some pencil additions. Contains minutes and resolutions etc of the various meetings, commencing from May Day 1918. Within the volume are many additional items, either loose, pasted in, or stuck in with postage stamp borders. These items are described under association.
The following items are contained within the book, some glued in, some loose (Marked *) and some held with postage stamp borders. Presented in order within the book. 1) Newspaper clipping, with handwritten date 5/4/18, describing United Trades and Labour Council meeting 2) Newspaper clipping re May Day 1918 3) Cyclostat list of Labour Day resolutions 4)* Cyclostat letter from Limerick City Housing Assoc., 14 Upper Denmark St., 17th May 1918, re meeting about proposed merger with Limerick Town Tennants; signed M. Grimes 5) Newspaper clipping, report on Trades Council meeting 6) Newspaper clipping Trades Council meeting 7) Newspaper clipping, ditto 8) Printed resolution taken from a larger sheet. (9 Newspaper clipping, Trades Council Meeting 10) Ditto 11)Printed black edged card with Ms Additions "Mr. and Mrs Tidmarsh and Family were gratly touched by your kind letter containing vote of condolence passed by the Limerick United Trades Council and wish to return their most grateful thanks for your sincere sympathy in their great sorrow. Lota September 12th 1918." 12) Typewritten black edged letter; "Derravoher, Limerick, September 14th 1918, Dear Mr. Dinneen, Kindly convey to the United Trades and Labour Council Lady Shaw's and my most grateful thanks for thei kind expressions and resolutions on the death of my son Gordon" signed "Yours sincerely, A.W. Shaw. 13)Ms letter on black edged paper, Sept 13th 1918 to Mr B.J. Dineen [sic] "on behalf of my mother, family and self will you kindly convey to the members of your Council our sincere appreciation of this resol;ution of sympathy on our great sorrow. I further wish to thank you personally for associating yourself with the Resolution, Believe me, Yours sincerely, Mr,. J. O'Sullivan". 14) Newspaper clipping, reporting meeting of Trades Council 15) ditto. 16) Ballot paper; printed; Limerick United Trades and Labour Council, Election of executive council. List of 23 names, woth pencil crosses by 12. List of same names on reverse, with number of votes each received. 17)* but formerly held with postage stamp border. Printed notice titled "The Jail Infamy in Limerick" describing treatment of political prisoners in the County Jail. 18) Letter; printed letterhead, ms. text, from George H. Ryan, The Limerick Conciliation Board, 18 Lower Cecil Street, Limerick (all printed) dated 4th Feb. 1919 to Mr James C. O'Connor secretary of the Trades Council, giving a list of employers representatives. 19) Black edged letter, from Elizabeth McMahon, Doonea Limerick 6th. March 1919, to Mr. O'Connor, thanking for condolences. 20)*but like 18. Black edged letter from A. Byrne, Town Wall Cottage, Limerick 4th May 1919, to Mr. O'Connor, " I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 3rd. inst. conveying copy of resolution of sympathy passed by the members of your Council on the death of my dear son Robert. I deeply appreciate the motives which actuated same and wish to tender to your members my sincerest thanks on behalf of my family and self, for their extreme kindness on our sad bereavement. Thank God that our dear son and brother died a free man fighting for his country's cause. I pray the Almighty that his blood has not been shed in vain and that our dear Motherland will soon shake off the shackles of the Foreigner and take its righteous place among the nations of the earth. Thanking you personally for your kind expression of sympathy, I remain"etc. 21) Photocopy of first page of 20. 22)* Typewritten copy of text of 20. 23) Black edged letter, typewritten but signed by Mayor A O'Mara, dated Mulcair Lodge, Limerick 4th June 1919, to the secrteary Trades Council, thanking them for their condol;ences on the death of his sister. 24) Letter; printed letterhead by "Record Printing Works", with Ms text on printed lines. No addressee but presumably Trades Council. "Limerick Branch, Amalgamated Society of Tailors, Mechanics Institute, Lower Glentworth Street, Limerick, thanking for their financial support. Pencil inscription on reverse. 25) Letter, typed, from John Slattery, Sheep Street 19th Feb