
Collection object

H. 14.6 x W. 10.1
Postcard, b/w, gloss. Map of Ireland. O/ Title, black, top left: Ireland / The Emerald Isle. Map overlain with small illustrations of places of interest shown, in their approximate locations. The map shows the major and some smaller towns, roads between them, planes flying into Shannon and Dublin, and ships leaving the ports of Larne, Belfast, Dublin, Wexford, and Cork/Cobh. There is a scale of miles at bottom right, and a compass rose at upper left. Note Nelson's Pillar shown in Dublin. R/ as 1991.370, except: printed grey, lighter; the text in the stamp frame reads: Letter / Post; The Heading, left: Correspondence, right: Address; The logo is smaller, and 'Valentine's', above it, is in a different script; The central dividing line is interrupted by This is a real photograph, written up the card; below it is: Printed in Ireland; and left, beside the left edge, written up the card: Published by Margaret Joyce Ltd., Dublin / Successor to Valentine & Sons Ltd., Dundee & London. Not posted.

Valentine (published by)