Design, Limerick lace, in pencil. Half of a horseshoe shaped collar design. Outer border, repeating ovals with C-scroll outer edge and foliage inner edge; alternating infill of ovals, zig-zag line and diamond with dot; inner border repeating C scroll edge with curves of foliage above giving circular effect, with some trails off into centre; inner design a floral trail, three large and four smaller areas incorporating small centred flowers with pointed leaves and circle of small circles around, two or three berries with associated ash key, and vine like leaves; areas joined by curving narrow stems with short oval leaves; a small floral doodle to one side. On reverse in pencil "Pockethf/ Scarf/ Flounce/ Rabat [turned down collar]/ Fichu 1909/ Scarf altered/ for Mrs. V. O'Brien". Paper on design side dirty at one end.