Card, information

Collection object

H. 13.9 W. 9.0
Card, printed by McKern, Limerick. O/ St Mary's Cathedral / Limerick / (line) / St patrick's Day / 1926 / (line) / A Special Service / will be held on / Wednesday, the 17th March, / at 8 p.m. / (line) / Processional Hymn 176 / Psalm 2. - Chant, Hayes in G. / Nunc Dimittis - Garrett in D. / Anthem "The Hymn of St Patrick" / Muspratt / Sermon / Hymn (during collection) 291 / Benediction / Seven-fold Amen - - Stainer / Out Voluntary, "Pomp and Circumstance" / Elgar. / Augmented Choir / (line) / Preacher - The Dean. All outlined by lines to edge of cars. below: McKern, Limk. R/ Blank

McKerns (printer)