Poster. Obv: Printed blue, poster white. Church Missionary Society. / Centenary Celebration. / (double line) / Sale of work / and Missionary / Exhibition / Will be held (D.V.) in connection with above, on / Wednesday & Thursday, June 21st & 22nd / The Protestant Orphan & Havergall Halls, / Limerick. / (double line) / Courts Representing / Africa, Palestine, India, China, Japan, etc. / Native Melodies will be sung at intervals. / (double line) / Admission: / Morning Ticket, 12 to 6 p.m., One Shilling / Evening Ticket, 7 to 10 p.m., Sixpence / Two-days Ticket, (admitting to all Lectures) Two Shillings / Ticket to Sacred Concert, 6d. extra. / On Thursday, June 22nd, the Exhibition will be open specially for School Children only, from 11 to 12 & from 6 to 7. Admission 1d. / Tickets can be had from any of the Secretaries, and from Messrs. McKern & Sons and Messrs. Ledger & Sons, / George Street, and at the door. / Stall Holders and Helpers Tickets, Half-Price. Children, Half-Price. / (short double line) / Cheap Return Tickets / (By W.L. & W. Railway) / Will be issued to Limerick on June 21st & 22nd from Waterford, / Ennis, Killaloe, Newcastle and principal intermediate Stations. / These Tickets will be available by any ordinary stopping train / on date of issue or following day. / (double line) / G. McKern & Sons, Printers, Limerick. Rev: not printed, but handwritten in ink, dealers note.