
Collection object

L. 13.9 x W. 8.9
Postcard, b/w, matt. Shanagolden, Co Limerick. Issuer: Lawrence, Publisher, Dublin, and M. Mangan, Shanagolden. Not posted. Obv: View of centre of village with, left, street climbing hill into middle distance with buildings on either side, right, another street with shops fronting onto an open area with, in foreground, a ringed celtic cross on a base above the level of the street, beside a planted area with a wall of solid stone blocks. There is a pile of what appears to be rubble in the left foreground beside a wall, and beside it a donkey and cart in the roadway. A group of children and two old men stand near the cross and the donkey and cart. Various other figures are visible into the distance, as is another cart on the corner of the street. The houses are both single and two storey. The shop on the corner has a ladder placed against the wall, beside a down pipe, and reaching up as far as the guttering. Title, white, bottom left. Rev: Printed in red - brown, on cream card. Top centre, (caps) Post Card., and top right, rectangular dotted frame for stamp with, inside, (caps) Stamp. Beneath heading, a thin line longer than the heading, and immediately beneath that a much shorter line. From the point of their centre, but not touching, a pair of thin parallel lines, vertical, runs to but stops short of the bottom margin. Heading, left (caps) Communication, and right (caps) Address. Left, parallel to left edge, reading from bottom to top, (mixed cases) Lawrence, Publisher, Dublin. / (smaller) M. Mangan, Shanagolden.

Lawrence (photographer)
Lawrence (published by)