
Collection object

H. 8.9 W. 14.0
Postcard, colour, matt, landscape format. Title at top right; "Killaloe". View from Tipperary shore across Shannon, with cathedral at left with moon to right of tower; bridge running from centre to right edge, with Lakeside hotel, lit up, beyond it. Reverse printed in black; at centre top "Post Card/ The Address to be written on this side", with dotted division line below slightly left of centre; up left edge "Valentine's Moonlight Series/ Write here for Inland Postage only."; box for stamp at top right largely obscured by stamp. Pale green halfpenny postage revenue stamp of Edward VII at top right. Square cancellation with central circle, only partial striking; in central circle "Winchmore H???/ 7.45 P[M]/ DE 11/ 0?. Addressed to Mr. G.L. Baxter, "Ingledene", Oakleigh Road, Whetstone, from G.A.M., message, dad says to get tickets for "Hiawatha" if worth going to.

Valentine (published by)