
Collection object

H. 9.1 W. 14.0
Postcard, b/w matt landscape format, whit margin around view. Title in view at bottom left, "The Square, Newcastle West.". View across the square, with large imposing three storey building with ornate plasterwork at first floor, at left of picture, on corner of square; from right edge a row of three storey shops curves away at centre of picture along street with the large building on corner; three donkey carts on square in foreground with a larger cart, without animal, parked; in centre a cast iron crank handles machine stands on pavement; c 12 people on pavement outside shops. Reverse printed in brown; at centre top a circle inside which is a head and shoulders portrait of a man with "Trade Mark" over and "Milton" below; to left of circle "The Milton", to right "Post Card.", with T-shaped division below; up left edge "The "Milton" Series "Renowned" For Local Views,/ Woolstone Bros London E.C.1" and "Printed/ in/ Saxony"; to left of centre "Correspondence" to right "Address"; box for stamp at top right with "Stamp/ Here" inside. In blue pencil down address side of division line "Post Office". Not posted.

Woolstone Brothers (publishers)