

Collection object

H. 23.1 W. 19.2
Receipt, printed and ms; black on white. Single sheet folded in half and printed on front and back side only. Front "Stamp Office, Dublin,/ No. [166 12] day of [February] 1842 (2 changed to 4)/ Received from [Peter O'Brien]/ Distributer of Stamps for [Limerick] the sum of/ [Eight Pounds eight shillings/ Advertisement Duty due by Limerick Reporter]/ on Account of Stamp Duties being the Amount of his/ Remittance for the Week end ("his" to "end" crossed out) [a/ payment of] the[is day]/ £[8:8-/ Robert Tyrrell] Receiver General./ [H. Cooper] Comptroller./ To the Distributer of Stamps,/ [Limerick & Clare]. Back "To/ The Distributer of Stamps,/ Post Paid. [Limerick]". Message on inside at bottom of right hand leaf; noting payment and refund to proprietor, signed Jos. O'Brien. Perforation at centre where stuck on spike. Watermark; crown over a posthorn in a cartouche; SE & Co under

S & Co Evans (papermaker)