

Collection object

H. 23.0 W. 18.4, as folded for posting H. 8.5 W. 11.5
Letter, ms, in black ink. Addressed to Peter O'Brien, Stamp Office, Limerick from Robert Cox, Kilrush, 20 March 1841. Requesting sheets of 20/- Royal and 5/- lease stamps to be sent by return steamer. Single sheet folded to form four pages, letter on first, then folded and sealed for posting. Red wax seal with a thistle and "Din[na?] Forget" around thistle. Victoria penny black postage stamp at top right of address, letters OD. Cancelled with black Maltese cross; two circular black cancellations on reverse "Kilrush/ MR 20/ 1841" and "Limerick/ MR 20/ 1841/ E". One corner, as folded for posting, slightly torn.