Book, bank

Collection object

H. 16.6 W. 10.4
Ban deposit book; Limerick Confraternity Saving's Bank, St. Timothy Section. 10 printed full size pages, listing the rules of the bank; inserted between pages 4 and 5, shorter pages printed with blue lines and divided into columns printed in black and red, with column headings "Deposit" "Withdrawal" "Interest and "Total Credit"; 22 smaller pages, four at centre mostly torn out, and first two missing completely. First four pages filled out in Ms, in black and red ink, entries dated 1906 and 1907; pages from centre to back have pencil jottings, one dated "13/7/26" and several names of horses. Inside of cover a list of trustees, manager, treasurer and secretary; inside back cover "Abstract of the Statute of Distribution". Blue cloth cover, on front an oval printed label with details filled out in Ms, owner's address and account no. "No 550" "William Downey" "56 Pennywell Limerick". Two staples through spine. Outer cover dirty, almost illegible label.