H. page 19.6 W. 24.2 H. press mark 17.6 W. 22.2 H. print 12.8 W. 17.9
Print: Castle Connell in the County of Limerick. Eastgate sculpt; Published according to Act of Parliament by Alexr Hogg, No. 16, Paternoster Row (London) . Shows the castle on a hill in centre, consisting of two circular towers in ruins, with vegetation growing on them. In foreground, the River Shannon, with, l. of centre, a one mast sailboat with sail down, two people on board, a small rowboat-sized boat tied behind, the mast and sail down, one person to front. To r., steep river bank, grassed. Between the river and castle, l., a two storey slated house, three 16 pane windows on each floor; continuing to r., three thatched one storey houses, the first with two chimneys, one at each gable, the others with one central chimney; then a gable and a T or L-shaped one storey thatched house with two chimneys and shuttered windows. These houses partly obscured by bushes. Some clouds and birds in sky. Watermark: vertical parallel lines and IV, cut below. Press marks and line margin around print.