Anvil stone

Collection object

L. & W. 14.7 x 12.3; T. 3.45; W. bevel 4.0 to 5.5; depressions W. 3.5, depth 1.7 on irregular face, W. 1.7, depth 0.4 in smooth face. Wt. 1045.4g
Anvil stone. Shale? Quarter circle in outline. One face if flat, naturally irregular. The other is slightly concave, water-polished, with a broad pocked bevel to the curved edge. Another edge is almost straight and flat, formed by a break in the stone. The third edge is naturally slightly concave and flat. The curved edge is thin, rounded except towards the concave edge, and battered. At the junction of the short sides a curved depression has been pecked, larger on the irregular face, leaving a quadrangular butt at this point. Neolithic L. & W. 14.7 x 12.3; T. 3.45; W. bevel 4.0 to 5.5; depressions W. 3.5, depth 1.7 on irregular face, W. 1.7, depth 0.4 in smooth face. Wt. 1045.4g Cashen River. / Co Kerry. / part of / Anvil-stone. handwritten in white ink in the smooth face.

J. F'G Windle / Dr George Fogerty (collected by)