L. stem 50.4 L. broad portion, from shoulder 29.2 W. 2.4 T. 0.3 L. waisted section 9.7 W. min 0.9 T. 0.3 W. stem below waist 1.1 at base of stem 0.6 T. at base of stem 0.5 Base L. 6.4 W. 2.3 T. 1.0 Hollow 5.4 x 2.1 Depth 0.6
Pattern makers tool of J Finnan. Iron. A larger version of 84.104-107. Consists of an L-shaped strip of metal, rectangular in cross section. The broad axis of the cross section on the base of the L-shape is horizontal when the tool is vertical. The base is a rectangular block, with a rectangular flat bottomed hollow in the top. The stem is welded to the top of the base at one end. The stem widens gradually, and there is a waist before widening again to the broad section. The tip of the stem has slightly rounded corners, and is unbevelled, flattened, pointed oval in cross section. The makers name is stamped on the narrow part of the stem below the waist: J. Munks & Sons / Sheffield, and the number 5 is stamped below this, upside down when the tool is upright.