Receipt, manuscript on parchment / vellum, re James II gunmoney mint in Limerick, 19 March 1690 (1691). Text: 700 below 8? or double triangle. Treasury Chambers, 19th of March 1690 / Whereas it appears by receipt of Walter Plunckett and Peter / Manby Esqre. Commrs. of his majesties mint in Limerick bearing date / the twelfth day of March in the yeare one thousand six hundred and / ninety and produced to us that Nicholas Murrough Esqr one of ye sheriffs of ye Citty of Limerick paid into his (majesties?) mint in pursuance of his Grace / the Lord Lieut. and Councills proclamation of the 26th of January last / past for reducing and calling in his majeaties Coyne of copper and brass / (money said sum seven) hundred pounds of the said brass money according to / its first full value in pursuance of the said proclamation Wee doe / hereby certify that the same remains due to the said Nichos Murrogh / from his Majestie pursuant to the severall proclamations issued by his / (majestie) for making the said money currant and for satisfying for the / same when it should be decryed. Signed on l. Theobald Butler. On r. Fitz: William, Riverstow, Stephen Rice, on three lines. Was folded twice, and on one of the R/ quarters is written, extremely faded: Nicholas Murrogh / his (receipt?) / No. 337 / (initials) JNTR ? Was glued to a card on the R/ of which the text is inscribed in a nineteenth century hand.