Tin, tobacco

Collection object

Tin H. 19.7 D. 10.9 H. wrapper 16.6
Tin, snuff, from Clune's Tobacco Factory. Tall cylindrical tin with separate press on lid. Encircling paper wrapper held by selotape inscribed within black border: Clune's Limerick, in black, red and white on green, with in the centre, an oval inscribed in the centre, white on red, Genuine / high toast / Snuff, and around, in border, black on white, Manufactured by John Clune Ltd / Limerick. The oval partially covers tobacco leaves and flowers on the green background. On the back of the tin the wrapper is inscribed, red on white, Copy of analyst's certificate / Clune's far famed Limerick snuff / etc. Tin damaged along seam towards top.