
Collection object

H. 7.9 W. 15.0 when folded. H. 22.6 W. 18.9 when flat.
Letter, manuscript. Major William Butts RA, Limerick Co. Jail, 11th April 1829, to  James Wilson. M.P. for York City, 3 Brunswick Place, Regents Park, London, asking for help in his case. Single sheet folded, letter written on first two sides. Folded for posting and sealed, seal torn off. Postmarked Limerick 11 April on front, on reverse 3 marks one 12th April and two 14th April, no place names.

Text of letter

My dear Sir,

I thank you much for your letter of the 14th Instant which reached me on the 9th following; my last to you will have informed you of my situation; which has been since considerably altered for the worse in consequence of my petition for retiring upon Half pay being refused;- think for one instant how I must feel under the idea of my poor wife and children being thrown upon the world as beggars; God knows I have suffered enough for the faults I have committed & I was in hope the punishment which has been inflicted would have been thought adequate to my offence. You may be able to serve mevery materially in interesting yourself to obtain the object of a Memorial to be placed upon Half Pay which I forwarded to LordBeresford Master Gen'l of the Ordnance on the 23rd of last month; he was not then aware of my being subjected to the imprisonment I have undergone since the 31st March; I should hope thereforehe would feel inclined to take my case with favourable consideration, particularly when backed with your influence.


You know full well my services in the West Indies & You also know that my pecuniary embarrassments had their rise in the advances I made to an unfortunate brother, whose untimely death at once did away with chance of my obtaining any return; this sum amounted to £1200 & has been the cause of every misfortune which has lately occurred to me & will I fear entail ruin & destruction upon my unfortunate family.


Whatever you do must be done quickly; the smallest delay may terminate fatally; I am sure therefore I need not point our to your generous breast, how much & how deeply we shall be indebted for your interest upon this unhappy occasion.


God bless you, my dear Sir; if the prayers of a miserable family are of any avail. They are offered up for your health and happiness.

Believe me

Yr most obliged

W. Butts

County Jail Limerick, 11th April 1829

If you address me Castle Connell it will be forwarded by Mrs Butts to me; who is residing there for the present.