
Collection object

H. 25.5 W. 20.3
(white paper, typed in blue, heading printed in black, watermark) ,

Letterhead, Solicitor, Hugh O' Brien Moran, Solicitor, 26 (19 crossed out) Glenworth Street, Limerick.  Top left of page Hugh O' Brien Moran, Solicitor.  Top right of page 26 (with 19 crossed out) Glenworth Street, Limerick.  Top centre of page 3rd March 1917.  From Hugh O' Brien Moran solicitor to Robert Frost Esq, Solicitor, Cecil Street, Limerick..  Re: Murphy to Hynes.  Regarding delay in closing this matter is due to the fact that your client declines to be responsible for the Approval Fee.  My client has been waiting here all day in accordance with the Arrangements made for the closing of this matter, and your client did not even make his appearance.  Under the circumstances I will advise my client to forfeit the deposit, and you are at liberty to to take such steps as you may deem necessary in the interests of your client.