

Collection object

H. 22.8 W. 18.3
Catalogue, manuscript. Catalogue of Curragh Chase (Currahchase) Library & Heirlooms. 1880. Maroon leather bound notebook with c 160 lined pages, marbled edges, green end papers with gold patterning. The catalogue of the library is divided into 11 divisions, presumably reflecting sections of the library. Each division starts on the left page , and after the 5th there is at least a double blank page between each. Entries consist of a short title, with author's name following in many but not all cases; at right are three columns giving the number of volume, the size and date of publication. After the divisions there are listings for the Dining Room, Library Cupboard, and Dining Room Continued. After the last are 17 blank pages followed by 10 pages which have been excised, followed by 3 blanks, then a section titled Books in Upper Lobby. followed by 12 blanks, then, Octagon Room. There is then a jump to the lat 7 pages, titled, Pictures in Saloon, Busts, Pictures in Drawing Room, Dining Room, Library and Hall. Stapled into the end page is a listing, in a separate hand, of the drawings, written on all four sides of a single sheet. Loose within is what seems to be a summary insurance valuation, listing the more important paintings followed by a valuation of all the household good, the amount, £2,000?, written in pencil. THis list is written on the first and last side of a folded sheet, with printed letterhead of D.R. O'Brien, F.S.I. District Receiver, 16 Upper Mallow St., Limerick.