Postcard, b/w, matt. King John's Castle / Kilmallock. Margaret McCarthy, Kilmallock. Posted 1910. View down wet dirt street to castle in middle distance, footpath each side of street, on l., three storey white house, then two and four storey disused looking granary style building, on r., line of two storey houses with narrow arched shelters over doorways, girl in second doorway looking towards camera, some people on footpath and street. Posters on castle ond granary buildiing. Church spire in distance to l. of castle. Title in white, two lines, quarter way up card, l. of centre. On r. footpath, foreground: Photo by / Horgan, Youghal. R/ printed brown, headed Post Card in ornate lettering, short double line vertical divide headed l., Correspondence and r., Address. Up l. edge: Published by Margaret McCarthy, Kilmallock. Halfpenny green George V stamp postmarked, circular, faded, Kilmallock ... 10. Addressed to Mrs Jackson, 80 Hall Street, Stockport, Cheshire. Message, will go to see as soon as back in Warrington, from A.J.