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H. 24.7 W. 18.9
Programme. Symphony Concert at Savoy 14th Jan 1955, with London Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult. Printed by Limerick Leader. 12pp stapled at centrefold, contains details of programme and list of members & patrons.Ads for La Moderne, Gaeltacht Cleaners, Limerick Clothing Factory, Irwin Bros 27 patrick Street, Quilty's Thomondgate, Clover Meats, Corporation of Limerick Gas Dept, J Hartman, 2 patrick St; O'Brien & Co., 26 Patrick St. tailors.,

Members: Mayor G E Russell, M W McGuire, M Macken, J.C Duggan, C Stenson, P.E. O'Malley, F E Brislane, Miss Honor Bolger, Mrs M Bourke, Rev R H P Campbell, Alderman J Carew, Mrs E Cole-Hamilton, Mrs Louis Courtney, Rev J Cowper, Mrs W Cummins, Mrs J C Duggan, W Dundon, A G Fitt, Judge F C Gamble, Mrs Nora Geary, Mrs V St Clair Gloster, A E Goodwin, Prof D Guina, J A Haydn, Archdeacon A E Hewetson-Jones, Rev H Hunt, Lady Inchiquin, J J Johnson, Miss E Kelly, Mr & Mrs D R Knox, Mrs W W McGuire, Dr & Mrs P J McMahon, Rev T McMahon, Mrs Macken, Mr & Mrs D C C Mercier, Mr & Mrs G Metcalfe, Miss Eileen Murphy, Miss Maura Murphy, Lt Col James Healy, Miss P O'Donnell, Dr N O'Dwyer, Mrs P E O'Malley, Mr & Mrs B G O'Malley, Lt John Ryan, MRs C Stenson, Miss Gleeson, Francis Radmall Rev T McMahon, Rev M Breen, Brother E F Cass, Liam de Lasa, Miss T Minogue, Miss K McCarthy, Tadhg O Ceallaigh, Rev Magahy, L Blennerhassets, S Walshe. Mrs G Metcalfe, Proinsias O Cellaigh, BRo Sheehan, rev T Mckinley

Patrons not listed above; Limerick City, Mr & Mrs G Aherne, Mr & Mrs A R Booth, Mr & Mrs A Browne, Mrs M Bourke, Rev Cagney, Mr & Mrs E T Clarke, Mr C A Crabtree, Mr & Mrs L Cummins, Dr John & Mrs Devane, Mr & Mrs J C Duggan, Mr & Mrs Patrick Duggan, Mrs W Dundon, Mr K Guerin, Mr & Mrs R T Hartigan, Mr P W Hartigan, Miss R Hartmann, J A Haydn, Miss M Heaney, Mr & Mrs E Holliday, Miss M Hennessy, Mrs P J Johnston, Patrick Kennedy, Mrs C M Kiely, Denis Lanigan, Sean Lanigan, Rev J G Lyons, Brian Maguire, John Maher, Mr & Mrs M W McGuire, Mr & Mrs J McHugh, Miss Maeve McDonagh, Rev T McMahon, Dr P J and Mrs McMahon, Mr B M Nelson, Miss L Nelson, Mr & Mrs D J O'Brien, Mr & Mrs W H O'Donnell, Mr & Mrs J B O'Dwyer, Rev W O'Grady, Mr & Mrs F O'Mahony, Mr & Mrs B G O'Malley, Mr & Mrs P E O'Malley, Mr & Mrs S M O'Mara, Mr J P O'Sullivan, Miss Marie O'Sullivan, Mr & Mrs J J O'Toole, Rev Michael Purtill, MR & Mrs M A Roche, Mr & Mrs H Russell, Mr & Mrs A J Sexton, Capt E R and Mrs Shaw, Desmond Staehli.

County: Capt J & Mrs Bulger, Joseph A Binchy, Mrs Courage, Mrs D H de Burgh, Mr A D Goodliffe, Mr & MRs D Morley, Rev E M McCarthy, Mrs D O'BRien, Surgeon O'Connor, Rev O'Grady, Miss C E O'Rorke, Mr & Mrs A O'Shaughnessy, Mrs R V Pollock, Rev G Ryan, Major S H and Lady Vernon, Lt Col M W White, Mrs Worlledge

Limerick Leader Ltd (printer)