
Collection object

H. 10.3 W. 14.9
Postcard,b/w, matt. Natural Bridge at Ross, Co Clare, from book of eleven, Mungret Series, souvenir of Co Clare. View of small inlet, cliff to each side, with natural arch across in middle distance, three men standing on arch, ocean behind. Title in white bottom r. R/ Printed brown, headed Post (logo, circle with drawing of Mungret Abbey, 'Mungret / Series' in exergue) Card / (left) Correspondence (right) Address. Vertical divide consisting of 'Irish Tourist Association Photo - Copyright. / Printed in Eire for J. G. B. Ltd. Solid outline for stamp. Text on stub: Natural Bridge at Ross - The ceaseless on- / slaughts of the mighty Atlantic have carved Clare's / rugged coast into many fantastic shapes. Some 15 miles / south of Kilkee, this freak of Nature is near Loop Head, / between Carrigaholt and Kilbaha.

Irish Tourist Association (published by)