
Collection object

H 8.7 W. 13.9
Postcard, colour. Shannon Airport, Limerick 864; titled at bottom right. View across a car park containing 7 cars, towards a long low single storey building with a four engined plane beyond. Reverse printed in brown; Post Card/ Printed in Gt. Britain, at centre top over divider; up left edge, Published by Hayes & Co., Ennis; to left of centre Correspondence to right Address. Addressed to Rev. Fr Smith, The Presbetery, 81Evelina? Road, Nunhead?, Peckham, London, from Sr Gabriel Enright?. Message; has had a good holiday, had good time with monsignor who is home, he celebrated silver jubilee in Lourdes. Green 2d Eire definitive issue stamp with outline map of Ireland. Circular cancellation, Baile Atha Cliath/H, around 12 30PM/ 14 JLY/ 1952; to left of rectangular cancellation Fly/ Aer Lingus/ Irish Air Lines with image of plane.

Hayes & Co (published by)