Letter, manuscript. 17th may 1821. Bishop of Limerick to Major Elrington, Tower, London. Asking him to confirm the date of the coronation as June 10th, he must attend but has arranged a visitation at Killarney on 30th May. Single sheet folded to give four sides. Written on first side then folded to form cover and sealed with red wax. Seal; arm of the bishop, a mitre over a quartered shield; top left a mitre, bottom left, crossed keys, top right three ostriches?; bottom right a mulleted double chevron over two ostriches? Three cancellations on cover, one, in red brown, D/ 18 MY/ 1821; one straight red brown probably, Limerick, and one black circular, 22MY22/ 1821. Pages embossed at top right; London/ Siperfine, around the George's Cross arms of London flanked by griffins, all in an oval.. Watermark, R. Barnard/ 1819