

Collection object

H. 23.2 W. 19.2
Letter, manuscript. 17th may 1821. Bishop of Limerick to Major Elrington, Tower, London. Asking him to confirm the date of the coronation as June 10th, he must attend but has arranged a visitation at Killarney on 30th May. Single sheet folded to give four sides. Written on first side then folded to form cover and sealed with red wax. Seal; arm of the bishop, a mitre over a quartered shield; top left a mitre, bottom left, crossed keys, top right three ostriches?; bottom right a mulleted double chevron over two ostriches? Three cancellations on cover, one, in red brown, D/ 18 MY/ 1821; one straight red brown probably, Limerick, and one black circular, 22MY22/ 1821. Pages embossed at top right; London/ Siperfine, around the George's Cross arms of London flanked by griffins, all in an oval.. Watermark, R. Barnard/ 1819

R Barnard (papermaker)