
Collection object

H. 8.9 W. 13.8
Postcard, b/w matt, landscape format, broad white margin across bottom. Title at top of margin at left and centre "Kilrush The Convent", at bottom left "The Wrench Series No. 8883".View of the convent behind enclosing wall seen across adjacent field, appears to be two separate wings, and a separate small building, summerhouse?, in lower area at front of the building. Reverse printed in black "Post Card" at centre top with vertical division line below; down left edge "The Wrench Series [an oval containing depiction of a wrench with "Wrench" below] Printed in Saxony"; left of centre "This space may be used / for communication/ in the British Isles only./ (Post Office Regulation)."; to right of centre "The address only to be/ written here"; box for stamp at top right with "Inland/ 1/2d./ Stamp/ Foreign/ 1d/" inside. Unused. Pencil dealer's mark in address space "£12.50"..