Ticket, railway, CIE, Kilkee to Kilrush, day excursion second class child return, no. 2999. Card, pale blue l. half, buff r. half. L. half: Rail (C.I.E. / Ret) / (line) / Reduced Fare Ticket / For Conditions See Back / Day Exc'n / Second Class / (Child) / (line) / Cill Ruis Go / Cill Chaoi / Kilrush To / Kilkee. R. half: (C.I.E. / Out) Rail / Reduced Fare Ticket / Day Exc'n / (line) / Second Class / (Child) / (line) / Cill Chaoi Go / Cill Ruis / (line) / Kilkee To / Kilrush. Line across ticket. 2999 up l. and r. edges. R/ Conditions in English and Irish down long axis. Not used.