
Collection object

H. 3.1 W. 5.7
Ticket, railway, CIE, Limerick to Cork, GAA excursion second class return, 1st June 1958, no. 0190. Pale red card with yellow stripe across centre. O/ Across ticket, C.I.E. Second Class / (Reduced Fare Ticket) Rail / G.A.A. Excursion / (line) / Luimneach Go / Corcaigh agus Arais / (line) / Limerick To / Cork & Back / Valid for day of issue only / For conditions see back / (line). 0910 up r. edge, date up l. edge. R/ Conditions in Irish and English down long axis. Perforated twice through O/ word Limerick and cracked to l. and r. of centre.