Ballot paper
Collection object
H. 21.0 W. 13.1
Ballot paper. "Limerick Trades Council/ Ballott Paper/ for election of/ Executive Council" Printed black on white. Candidates with abbreviated union; Anslow P, bricklayers, Brewer E, Railway Clerks; Casey jas. Typographers; Clohessy, T, stonecutters; Cooney, M. butchers; Gavin, M, Woodcutters; Kelly, C. National Teachers; Lane, C, tailors; Ledden PO workers; Millar, D.C. Sitributive workers; McDonnell, stationary engine drivers; McSweeney, electrical trades; O'Halloran, P. Corporation employees; O'Dwyer, T bakers. 12 names marked with pencil crosses.