
Collection object

H. 21.7 W. 14.0
Book, pamphlet: Church of Ireland / Union of / St. Michael. St. Philip and St. James / Limerick / Statement / of / Accounts / for / Year ended 31st Dec., 1958 / Limerick / McKerns Printinig Works. The above in rectangle. 12pp plus green soft card covers. P1, personnel: Rector, Rev Cecil J Price; Synodsmen, J.L. Enright, J.G. Boyd; Churchwardens, St Michaels, G L Cooke, T A Thomas, St Philip & James, T Morrow, J K Smith; Parochial trustees, Rev Price, J L Enright; Parochial nominators, J L Enright, J G Boyd, N P Fogerty; Glebe wardens, N P Fogerty, J G Boyd; School trustees, Rev Price, J G Boyd, F S Wallace; Select vestry, Mrs J L Enright, J G Boyd, N P Fogerty, J L Enright, J E T Smith, G Bannister, L A Steepe, S de Lacy, Dr E Cullen, W Blennerhassett, Mes E Cullen, Miss P Price, J K Smith, Kilkeedy, W Morrow; Treasurer Sustentation fund, L A Steepe; Organist, N Gale; Verger, Mrs T Hayes. ps2-3, report by Rev Price; Ps4-5, St Michaels accounts (special - Hibernian Bible Soc, Mrs Morley; missions to Lepers, Jews, Seamen, Deaf and Dumb, Dublin University); Ps6-7, Sts Philip & James accounts; Ps8-9, Sustention Fund, list of names; P10, St Michaels school account and parents subscriptions. Ps11-12, blank. Bound with one staple through spine.

McKerns (printer)