
Collection object

H. 8.9 W. 14.0
Postcard, colour, landscape format. Title on reverse, "Treaty Stone and Thomond Bridge, Limerick". View of Treaty Stone in centre foreground with castle beyond right and St. Munchins left; three children in right foreground looking at stone; on the bridge a red car is moving towards camera and a white van away from camera. Reverse printed in black; top left above title "AS302", below title "The great event in the history of Limerick was/ the Siege by William 3rd forces in 1690. The/ Treaty Stone on which the terms of the surrender/ are said to have been signed is regarded as a/ memorial and is known as the "Stone of th/ violated Treaty"; up left "Pub. by Avon Sales Ltd., Dublin/ Made/ in/ USA"; at centre top "P47351"; down centre "Plastichrome by Colourpicture Publishers Inc"; across centre bottom "Colour by W. Skipper"; left of centre "Post Card" at top right in box, "Place/ Stamp/ Here". Not used

Avon Sales Ltd (published by)