
Collection object

H. 8.9 W. 14.0
Postcard, colour, landscape format. Titled on reverse at top left "King John's Castle Limerick Ireland". View of the castle at right of picture, from the latrine tower to the north-west tower; three spans of Thomond Bridge at left of centre and St. Munchin's tower at centre; all seen from across the Shannon from water level, with fisherman standing in river in foreground. Reverse printed black on white; at left below title "AS 7/ Built in 1210 the castle is the original but the/ bridge on the River Shannon at Limerick dates/ to 1838"; up left edge, "Pub. by Avon Sales Ltd., Dublin Made/ in/ USA"; at centre top "P40308"; down centre as divider "Plastichrome by Colourpicture Publishers Inc. Boston, Mass. USA"; across bottom centre "Colour by G.I. Bearcroft"; to right of centre "Post Card" at top right "Place/ Stamp/ Here" in box for stamp. Not used.

Avon Sales Ltd (published by)