
Collection object

Hammer, limpet? Dark grey shale?, patinated grey-brown on both faces. Naturally club-shaped, of uniform thickness except at the utilised edge, with both faces flat. Edges naturally flat; one is slightly convex along the point-ended 'handle'; the other swells out in a broad concavity before narrowing slightly at the D-shaped club end, the top of which is flat, slightly chipped, and at a slight angle to the long axis. The utilised edge is asymmetrical in face-on view, being more deeply chipped from one face on the upper half and from the other on the lower. The flaking is crude, probably from use as a hammer. The pointed butt is slightly flaked on both edges. Rectangular cross-section. Neolithic. L. 19.7 W. max 5.8 T. 1.4 Fisherstreet handwritten in black ink on the straight edge