
Collection object

H. 33.2 W. 20.9
Agreement, manuscript. Made 27th Oct 1910, between Miss Daisy Tuthill, on 1st part, John Sandes Smith and Thomas Dillon Lawson on the 2nd part, Patrick O'Shea on 3rd and James Sexton, labourer of Ballyteige, on 4th, for Sexton to rent cottage lately in the occupation of Daniel Shea, for 10d a week. signed by O'Shea and Sexton with michael Walsh, farmer, as witness. Single folded sheet, writtenon first two sides, with pencil uinstructions about signatures running onto third side.. Red stamp duty embossing at top left One/ Shilling/ a crown/ 4 11 10. Folded in half, twice and annotated as to contents. Cathcart & Hemphill at bottom. Faint Busbridge & Cos watermark

Busbridge & Cos (papermaker)