
Collection object

H. 33.0 W. 20.7
Agreement, manuscript. Between Irene Daisy Gwenevere Tuthill of Pontesbury, Shropshire, on first part, John Sandes Smith, National Bank Mallow and Thomas Dillon Lawson , Bank of Ireland Galway (trustees of will of G.L. Tuthill) on second part, Patrick O'Shea, farmer, of Ballyteige on third part and Michael Walsh, labourer, of Ballyteige, on fourth part, for the last named to take the cottage lately in occupation by James Sexton. Dated 14th Oct 1911. Walsh a labourer for O'Shea. Weekly rent of 10d. Single sheet folded, written on 2 of 4 sides. Paper with wide margin and lines. Red stamp duty embossing, One/ Shilling/ a crown/ 6 11 11, in multi faceted border. Watermark, John McDonnell & Co. Ltd./ Swiftbrook, on one side, Hibernia figure in oval on other. Folded in half twice and annotated with contents on outside. Cathcart and Hemphill solicitors.

John & Co Ltd McDonnell (papermaker)