

Collection object

L. 30.0 W. 21.1
Newspaper, "Limerick Socialist, The Voice of the Worker", Vol. 3 No.12 Dec.1974, price 6p. 8pp printed black on white, with red masthead. Printed and Published by Limerick Socialist Organisation. Articles; "Just the Drill for Christmas", by Dermot McEvoy; "A Minor Milestone" about the political papers of the 70's; "Presidential Burials" re Hyde and Childers; "Matt Talbot, saint or scab"; "Keeping it in the Family; the battle of Clontarf Place" re Coughlan's post office; "A Birthday Tribute" re Mannix Joyce and Irish; "The Parish Pump" and the "Echoes from the Bottom Dog". Photo of Steve Coughlan.

Erskine Childers (associated with)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (printer)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (published by)