

Collection object

L. 33.0 W. 25.5
Newspaper, "Limerick Socialist, The Voice of the Worker", Vol 2 No. 9 Sept 1973, price 6p. 8pp printed black on white, with yellow masthead. Printed and Published by Limerick Socialist Organisation. Articles; "Echoes from the Bottom Dog"; "Women of Limerick"; "In Search of John Francis O'Donnell; "No Room for Sean Bourke"; "Shannon, Slippery Tom Slides Out" re Tom O'Donnell; "Following Sarsfield"; "Thalidomide; the story that died"; "How to milk a non story in seven easy lessons"; "UDA fades out". Articles by Jim Kemmy . Photo of mayor having a shoe shine given by cubs on bob a job.

John Francis O'Donnell (associated with)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (printer)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (published by)