
Collection object

L. 34.4 W. 25.5
Newspaper, "Limerick Socialist, The Voice of the Worker", Vol 2 No. 4 April. 1973, price 6p. 8pp printed black on white, with yellow masthead. Printed and Published by Limerick Socialist Organisation. Articles; " Crime Story"; "The Humanitarians" re charity; "Prayers for Everyday living"; "New Army Aims" re N. IReland; "Hourican Breakthrough"; "In Search of John Francis O'Donnell"; "Election retrospect"; "Provo Dollars"; "Echoes from the Bottom Dog"; "Eat Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we diet" and The Months Mind". Articles by Jim Kemmy and John Boyle. Photo of furniture piled in street after eviction.

John Francis O'Donnell (associated with)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (printer)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (published by)