

Collection object

L. 34.3 W. 25.5
Newspaper, "Limerick Socialist, The Voice of the Worker", Vol 2 No. 2 Feb. 1973, price 6p. 8pp printed black on white, with red masthead. Printed and Published by Limerick Socialist Organisation. Articles; "Sean South's Freedom"; "Knock Shop"; "Green Shield Fiddle"; "The Limerick Soviet"; "Shannon Penney Pinching"; "New Years Day in the Workhouse"; poem by J.J. Finnan" "Why an Election"; Thalidomide, the case drags on"; "Quinnsworth, cheap labour shift"; and "The Month's Mind" Articles by Jim Kemmy. Photo "Strike Committee (Limerick Workers Strike against British Militarism) April 1919"

Limerick Socialist Organisation (printer)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (published by)