

Collection object

L. 32.5 W. 25.5
Newspaper, "Limerick Socialist, The Voice of the Worker", Vol 1 No. 4 April 1972, price 6p. 8pp printed black on white. with red masthead. Printed and Published by Limerick Socialist Organisation. Articles; "Eviction Limerick Style; Social Potmender"; "Holy Week"; "The Limerick Soviet"; "Confraternity in Crisis"; "Drug Scene and You"; "The Rent Strike"; "All Kinds of Everything"; "EEC Confusion Confronted; "Why Socialism?" and "Council Commentary" Articles by Jim Kemmy, Joe Kemmy, Paschal Long and Tony Crowley. Two photos of furniture moved in an eviction.

Limerick Socialist Organisation (printer)
Limerick Socialist Organisation (published by)