Certificate, Under City arms and motto; "Be it Remembered/ That at an Adjourned Special Meeting of the/ County Borough Council of limerick/ Held on Thursday the 3rd day of June 1909, the Right Worshipful Alderman Thomas Donnellan, Mayor, presiding/ The Honorary Freedom of the City of Limerick/ Was unanimously voted to/ Douglas Hyde Esq./ LL.D., D. Lit., &c/ President of the gaelic League/ In recognition of his great and distinguished service to the cause of the Irish language Revival Movement/ Given at the Town hall, Rutland Street, in the City of Limerick, this 5th day of June 1909/ [blank] Mayor/ [blank] Town Clerk. Watermarks, 1. fleur de lis in crowned frame over "Swift Brook", 2. "Swift Brook/ Unique/ Ledger". Printed black on white. Now folded in half.