Certificate, "Be it Remembered/ That at a Special Meeting of the County Borough of Limerick held in the Town Hall on Thursday the/ 1st day of October 1908, the Right Worshipful Alderman Thomas Donnellan, Mayor, in the Chair, the/ Honorary Freedom of the City of Limerick/ Was unanimously voted to/ Joseph O'Mara Esquire/ in recognition of his distinguished services as a great Irish singer and actor, to the advancement of Musical/ and/ Dramatic Art, and as one who during a brialliant career on the Operatic and Concert Stage, has earned undying fame and/ refl;ected honour upon Limerick as the City of his birth./ Given at the Town hall Limerick this 1st day of October 1908. [blank] Mayor/ [blank] Town Clerk". Watermark "95 Unique Note". Printed inside a border of Celtic Interlace designe, with panels in border. Panel at top left, the Treaty Stone; at centre a roundel with cross at centre and ring of spiral motifs around; at top right "Arms and Motto of Limericki; at centre bottom a harp on a musical score. Printed red, blue, sepia and black on white, by O'Connor & Co. Has been folded in half and has become damp along the fold so that the paper has discoloured and deteriorated and split almost into two. Watermark