
Collection object

H. 26.5 W. 41.8
Certificate, "Be it Remembered/ That at a Special Meeting of the County Borough of Limerick held in the Town Hall on Thursday the/ 1st day of October 1908, the Right Worshipful Alderman Thomas Donnellan, Mayor, in the Chair, the/ Honorary Freedom of the City of Limerick/ Was unanimously voted to/ Joseph O'Mara Esquire/ in recognition of his distinguished services as a great Irish singer and actor, to the advancement of Musical/ and/ Dramatic Art, and as one who during a brialliant career on the Operatic and Concert Stage, has earned undying fame and/ refl;ected honour upon Limerick as the City of his birth./ Given at the Town hall Limerick this 1st day of October 1908. [blank] Mayor/ [blank] Town Clerk". Watermark "95 Unique Note". Printed inside a border of Celtic Interlace designe, with panels in border. Panel at top left, the Treaty Stone; at centre a roundel with cross at centre and ring of spiral motifs around; at top right "Arms and Motto of Limericki; at centre bottom a harp on a musical score. Printed red, blue, sepia and black on white, by O'Connor & Co. Has been folded in half and has become damp along the fold so that the paper has discoloured and deteriorated and split almost into two. Watermark

Joseph O'Mara (associated with)
O'Connor & Co (printer)
O'Connor & Co (published by)