
Collection object

H. 61.4 W. 73.3
Lease, manuscript on parchment. Indenture; lease of 4 plots of land in the St. Francis Abbey area, by Edmond Sexten Pery to Simon Kent, tanner, dated 11th November 1780. Properties are described in relation to Henry Holland's holdings, widow Creaghe's holdings, Butt and Leaders's holding, Mr John Canter's holding and John Sutherland's holding; mention of street leading to County courthouse, the lane leading to the Hospital, Sir Hartstonge's Mall. Written on one side, with bottom edge folded up and fastened together at two points with red tape. Red wax over tapes at front of document, both with same seal of a shield inside a diamond; left has signature of Edmond Sexten Pery around it, right Simon Kent. Four plans are held in place by the left tape; each plan is drawn in ink on white paper and shows an outline of the plot with neighbouring landholders named; they have subsequently been numbered 1 to 4 in pencil and the cardinal points have been added to each plan also in pencil. Each sheet of paper is watermarked with parallel line, in addition two have a crowned garter surrounding the Royal Coat of Arms, and one has "JS". At top left is affixed stamp duty stamp, faded grey paper, embossing difficult to decipher but contains a harp; brown on white stamp, crown over GR, on reverse. Circular black rubber stamp "22/ Pence" below paper stamp. On reverse signatures of witnesses, Patrick Arthur and John Dowdall Hammond. Folded twice, then from both ends to centre, then in half. Outside annotated with contents. On same side "4/12" in pencil "No 4/8" in brown pencil, and rectangular rubber stamp with ms additions "Barrrington & Son/ 10 Ely Place/ Strong Box/ Box [38]/ No. [1b]". 1997.0234-236 held together by red ribbon.