
Collection object

H. 8.9 W. 14.0
Postcard, b/w, glossy. Lahinch novelty, Sure 'tis 'intoxicated I am with Lahinch. Cardall, Dublin. Cartoon of a man, l., wearing cap, standing with legs crossed, patch on one knee, arm extended holding mug with photo of a lahinch street, church at end of street. Black field. Title in white above l. and below centre. Margin around. R/ Printed green, headed post Card, vertical divide formed by Printed in the Republic of Ireland up centre, headed l. Correspondence and r., Address. Across bottom: Produced by Cardall Ltd. Dublin. Copyright reserved. In blue biro top r., Cruises Royal Hotel / Limerick / Tues 14th Sept. 1965. Six autographs: Eve O'Keeffe, Castleconnell?, J Loughran, W/loo; Maria A Loughran, Bernard Neese, Mammy, Daddy, plus one difficult to read.

Cardall Ltd (published by)