Postcard, colour, matt. George Street, Limerick. Lawrence, posted 1908. View up street at first floor level, Cruise's Hotel on left, Cannock's on right. Coach and horses outside hotel, people and horses and carts on street. No margin. Title in brown script below centre. R/ printed green, headed Post Card, double underline, double line vertical division, headed left "This space may be used for inland and foreign / communication except to Japan and Spain / (Post Office regulation). Heading right: The address only to be / written here. Dotted outline for stamp printed: Inland / 1/2d / stamp / foreign / 1d. To right of stamp, vertically: Printed in Germany. Up left edge: W. Lawrence, publisher, Dublin, No. 8139. Edward VII halfpenny stamp postmarked Limerick / PM / 3.30 / MY 5 / 08. Addressed to Miss J Liston, 3 McCarthys Buildings, Cabra, Dublin.