
Collection object

H. 8.7 W. 13.8
Postcard, b/w, portrait format. Title in white margin at bottom "St. John's Church Limerick". View of the west front of the Cathedral from corner of John's Square, with drinking fountain at left with some of houses at side of church to left and behind fountain; no wheeled traffic, only two edestrians, one near fountain and another on pavement at right. Reverse printed in brown "Post Card" at centre top with T-shaped division below; up left edge "Lawrence Dublin Printed in Germany"; left of centre "This space may be used for correspondence/ for Inland (not Foreign) Postage; to right "For address only"; at top right a box for the stamp with "Postage/ Inland/ 1/2d./ Foreign/ 1d" inside. "1 1/2" in pencil on stamp box. Not used.

Lawrence (photographer)
Lawrence (published by)