Axe, stone

Collection object

Axehead, stone, or hammer-axe, roughout, unpolished. Green conglomerate or granitic rock. Near trapezoidal in cross-section, thickening from the cutting edge to the butt. Butt straight and flat, rectangular in section, thicker than it is wide, and pitted from hammering. One edge is convex in outline, the other with two concavities, one from the cutting edge for three quarters of its length. Both edges are flattened. One face is roughly flat, with a wide diagonal scored groove. The other face is flat towards the convex edge, and convex towards the concave edge, for three quarters of its length, before falling to a pocked-out ledge which runs to the butt. The cutting edge is convex, flattened and pitted from use. Neolithic L. 12.1 W. cutting edge 7.82 butt 2.7 T. max 4.39 T. butt 3.0