
Collection object

To border, H. 100.9 W. 107.5 Sheet H. 116.0 W. 111.7
Map, chart. Titled within border bottom l.: The West Coast / of / Ireland / from the / Shannon to the South Isles of Arran. / Surveyed & Navigated by / M. Mackenzie Senr. Below title box l.: G. Terry sculp, 62 Pater noster Row. Below this, in box, A scale of Six English Miles (1 mile to the inch). Centre, below overall border: Published as the Act directs Octr. 1 1775. In top r. corner: Chart XI See page 29. Top l. corner: 11 (reversed). Off centre, below and l., compass with magnetic north to l. true north at WNW, with radial lines to the edge or to land. Below magnetic meridian: Var 23 Deg W 1766. Inscription on the sea: Below Aran Islands: The Stream of Tide in the Sounds of these Islands runs not above two / Miles an Hour when strongest. Off Mutton Island: There in no safe Anchorage in any Part of this Bay when it blows hard from between the North and North West Points. Above compass: The Stream of Tide here scarce sensible. Dense soundings around Aran Islands, regular but sparce along Clare coast, dense around Kilcredan Point. Printing plate impression around. Four sheets of different sizes stuck together, the lines not always meeting. Cropped at l. border. Folded twice, with tears at the double folded corner above the centre of the whole.

PLACES NAMED: ARAN ISLANDS: Branach Is., Arran I., Onaght, Kilronan, Kilany, Straw Is., Gregory Sound, Inish-maan, Foul Sound, Inish-sehir. CO CLARE: Kilmacrehy (Kilmakrihi) parish: Inishtemon, Dough Castle, Liskonnor Castle (Lisconnor), Sumervil (Summerville), Hags Head; Kilmanahene Parish: Mount Callen (Callan) Hill, Rinneen; Kilmury (Kilmurry) Parish: Rinespanach (Spanish Point), Cahirush, Emlach, Tramore, Seafield, Mutton Island; Ballihu Parish: Dunbeg, DunmoreKilaird Parish: Ballards Point; Kilkee; Moyharta (Moyarta) Parish, Dunaha; Kilballihoan (Kilballyowen) Parish: Carrigahoult (Carrigaholt), Kilkadraan Point (Kilcredaun Point), Kilclochar (Kilclogher) Head, Ross, Kilbehan, (Kilbaha), Dunmore Head, Loop Head with The Light House.

M Senior Mackenzie (suveyor)