Newspaper cuttings
Newspaper cuttings

Newspaper cuttings

Collection object

Newspaper Cuttings re 1916 Memorial and G.A.A. Chronicle 15/1/55; The 1916 Memorial. Chronicle 12/11/49; 1916 memorial Irish Press 24.3.50; photo of plaster model of Clarke presented to N.M.I. Limerick Echo, 12/11/49; Limerick 1916 Memorial, Funds Urgently Needed Leader 28/11/36; 1916 Memorial, Design Submitted to Committee Sunday Press, 11/12/49; memorial to men of 1916 + photo of Clarke bronze Evening Press 28/2/55; New Limerick memorial + photo No date or source:- 1916 memorial , Subscriptions Acknowledged. Model of 1916 Leader + photo of plaster cast in NMI Gaelic Football for Limerick Primary Schools City Schools Football League Schools Gaelic Football League G.A.A. Limerick Primary Schools. Football Competition. and 8/12/34; Incentive for boys to play gaelic football.

Limerick Leader (printer)