
Collection object

37.0 x 22.6.
Will, manuscript. Copy of will of Thomas Mason, merchant, of the city of Limerick, 1799. One sheet folded forming two leaves, written on three of four sides; folded and annotated on outside. Red wax seal at bottom of document.
In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Mason of the/ City of Limerick, Merch't. being of sound and disposing/ mind & memory and understanding do make and publish/ this as and for my last will and testament. First I order/ and direct that any executors herinafter named do with all/ convenient speed after my decease pay all my just debts/ and funeral expenses and that I may be buried in a Decent/ manner without pomp or much expence, my body to be put/ in a plain deal coffin, carried to the grave by my/ neighbours and buried six feet deep in the earth. & Secondly I give, demise and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Mason otherwise Atkinson all my/ Right title and interest in and to all that and those that part/ of the lands of Altimira situate in the County of limerick/ which I hold by lease for three lives renewable for ever/ from Edmond Sexton Pery Esq. now the Right Hon'ble/ Edmond Sexton Lord Viscount Pery bearing date the/ seventeenth day of October one thousand and seven hundred/ and sixty six, and also all that and those that part of the/ said lands of Altimira aforesd. which I hold by lease for three/ lives renewable for ever from the said Edmod Sexton Lord/ Viscount Pery bearing date the twenty second day of January/ one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight and allso all that &/ those that part of the aforesd. lands of Altimira which I hold/ by lease of three lives renewable for ever from Edward/ Jones bearing date the twenty ninth day of September/ one thousand seven hundred and eighty five and also in and to all/ that and those the dwelling house and premises therunto belonging/ in which I now live and reside in the said city of Limerick/ which I hold by vitue of an assignment of a lease for six lives renewable for ever/ made/
made to me thereof by Philip Massy bearing date the thirteenth/ day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety six/ and also all that and those a dwelling house and garden with/ the appur'ces situate by the Shannon side situate in the said/ [a blank space] of Limerick which I hold by lease for lives/ and renewable for ever from Daniel Burke [blank space] bearing date/ the [blank space] day of [blank space] one thousand seven/ hundred and [blank space] To have and to hold all singular and said several lands houses garden and premises with their/ and every of their rights, members and appurtenances/ unto my said dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Mason her/ heirs and assigns from and after my decease for and during the/ several lives now in being in the several leases thereof resp'ly named and the survivors and survivors of them and for and/ during the life and lives of all and every such person &/ persons as shall from time to time for hereafter be added/ or inserted to the lives and terms of the said several and/ respective leases thereof pursuant to the Covenants for/ Perpetual renemwals in the said several and respective/ leases mentioned and contained, subject nevertheless to the/ payments and performance of all the rents, renewal fines/ covenants, clauses and agreements in the said several leases/ and assignm's afores'd. which on the tenants or lessee's part are to be paid done and performed. I also give and bequeath to my said wife Elizabeth mason all my right, title and interest/ of in and to one annuity yearly part charge on sum of/ £91 [remainder of line blank]/ ? issuing and payable to me out of all that and those the/ farm and lands of Coolnelire situate in the County of [blank]/ the Estate of Thomas Mc Adams Esq're. secured to me by deed/ bearing date the 22 [blank space] day of May one/ thousand seven hundred and 98 to hold the said/ annuity/
annuity yearly rent charge to the said Elizabeth Mason, her ex'ors adn'ors and assignees from and after my decease/ and all arrears thereof which may be then due for & during/ all such term and interest as I am intitled to therein for/ her own sole and separate use, to be disposed of by her/ as she shall think proper. I also give and bequeath unto/ my said wife Elizabeth Mason all my bills, bonds, notes, cash, stock in trade, household goods and furniture, plate/ and all other my personal fortune over every kind & nature/ soever? the same may consist of at the time of my death/ to her own sole and separate use to be disposed of by her/ as she shall think fit. And lastly I hereby nominate/ constitute and appoint my said wife Eliz'th. Mason and/ James Byrne of Carrick on Suir in the County of Tipperary/ Merch't. executors of this my lasst will and testament/ hereby revoking all former and other will or wills by me heretofore made and in witness whereof I have herwith set/ my hand and seal and publish and declare this as my last/ will and testament this [blank] day of [blank] one thousand seven hundred and seventy five.
No signature or witness signatures; red seal with Roman god. Note at bottom died 13 July 1803

T Mason (film processor)