

Collection object

H. 21.7 W. 13.8
Book. Pamphlet. Friends of St Marys Cathedral, Limerick. Report of Committee, Year 1950. Limerick McKerns Printing Works 1951. This printed on pale blue card front cover within wavy line border. 16pp., two blank, plus covers, bound with two staples, slightly rusty. Contents: Photograph of painting of Bishop George Webb; Committee of management 1950; Rules of management; How to become a Friend; List of papers in reports to date; Summary of renovations etc to which funds applied; Annual Report; List of members; List of donations; Statement of accounts; Paper: The Bishops of Limerick 1593 - 1641, no author given, John Thornborough, Bernard Adams, George Webb; Notice of deaths of Lt. Col. The McGillycuddy, Capt. C C F Smith, Cecil A Slade. Insert: Notice of AGM Fri 27 Apr 1951.

McKerns (printers)